Conquest Vacations (Website design, marketing, maintenance) Revamped, customized and developed intranet web projects; Ensured editorial and graphics content met company specifications and guidelines; increased channels for advertising content. Designed and created the online version of Conquest Vacations magazines (summer and winter brochures, in-flight magazines). Managed web content. ChetIndia, CrisprBits, Vijay Chandru (Websites - wireframe, design, structure) Desgined and developed three WordPress websites from mind-mapping ideas, and wire-framing, to multimedia integration, and implementation. Guruvayurappan Temple of Brampton (Strategy, taxonomy, design, development) Design, development, content creation and updates, maintenance of websites, hosting, and payment portals; eCommerce website based on WordPress and WooCommerce with multiple integrations (email, payment, accounting, point of sale system, and digital displays). Continues to manage multiple stakeholders, requirements, and timelines for two plus decades for a nonprofit with charity status. SimpleSolve (Strategy, taxonomy, design) Restructured and redesigned the website with new concepts and helped integrate the designs with HubSpot Diamond Partner (Blueoshan); managed the project with the client and development team at Blueoshan. Body Of Work Engagements