
. . . c r e a t i v e s t o r y t e l l e r, a n d s t r a t e g i c t h i n k e r 13 m a d h a v @ k o c h u n n i . c o m | k o c h u n n i . c o m way of marketing. Email and othermodes of communication direct the mobile user to the appropriate app store. Once the app is downloaded, it serves as an information gateway through which content is ‘pushed’ on to mobile devices. When content is published or updated, the user is alerted to new information. Unlike usual content, information on the content app is designed in an interactive format to engage the end-user in an immersive experience. Till recently, creating an app was an intensive process involving resources from IT and a long development time. Now there are solutions that give the designer absolute control over the end-to-end digital publishing process. Two of those solutions leverage existing software and design skills to create and publish content on multiple mobile devices and platforms. Publishing a digital publication can be achieved at a fraction of the time and cost as compared to existing methods while still maintaining the integrity of a secure process and workflow.