15 . . . c r e a t i v e s t o r y t e l l e r, a n d s t r a t e g i c t h i n k e r m a d h a v @ k o c h u n n i . c o m | k o c h u n n i . c o m Create drip content on WordPress with member profiles STRATEGY multiple dry runs over weekends, four main laptops and two back-up computers sourced, software and connections to wired and WiFi hubs [1GB TELUS] and multiple printers were set up; two mobile devices were also used to reduce the wait times on line-ups. The process went without any major hitches and was a major success. The alternative was to have manual accounting and receipt books. The second phase is ongoing and will connect the online store to the same backend. The front-end used is WooCommerce with APIs to the backend to integrate with QuickBooks Online. A complete refresh of the site with online payments, author profiles, etc. The focus was on digital strategy and condensation of the existing site, taxonomy, setting up member profiles, online payments, membership and sponsorship plans, integration with PayPal, workflows with WooCommerce and PayPal, events calendar, implementation, security, and maintenance. WCDR website