
. . . c r e a t i v e s t o r y t e l l e r, a n d s t r a t e g i c t h i n k e r 7 m a d h a v @ k o c h u n n i . c o m | k o c h u n n i . c o m continued ... App download page in App Store App page on ivari.ca sourcing and approval workflows, and the publishing and ordering process. The second phasewas to identify possible solutions to address at least some of the requirements. The third phase was to demo the final solution, rigorously test it, launch it internally, work on the feedback, and launch externally. Most corporate environments have a rigid structure of processes and protocols for reasons of compliance and security among others. Getting a conversation started to digitise print materials would have taken weeks. Add to the mix, creating a digital strategy, deciding on a name and registering the app on the popular platforms, getting a development team together, etc. We are talking months and half a million dollars just to get started. Solution The final solution took about six months from concept to launch on both the iOS and Android platforms! This timeframe includes approvals from IT departments such as security, software, and network, and from product and marketing.