
. . . c r e a t i v e s t o r y t e l l e r, a n d s t r a t e g i c t h i n k e r 9 m a d h a v @ k o c h u n n i . c o m | k o c h u n n i . c o m solution would initiate the process from pre-publication stages [with familiar print design software such as InDesign or QuarkXPress] to pushing content in digital formats on to a mobile device and to the website. The complete workflow began with InDesign and InCopy giving the designers, writers, and editors absolute control over the content and graphics without treading on each others’ toes. Content was published to the WordPress website which was also pushed to the apps. All the development, updates, maintenance, and analytics were done by the digital team which dramatically shortened the timeframe and costs required to push content. continued ...